10 January 2023
Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today announced Canada imposes targeted sanctions
under regulations pursuant to the Special Economic Measures
Act against four Sri Lankan state officials responsible for
gross and systematic violations of human rights during armed
conflict in Sri Lanka, which occurred from 1983 to 2009.
regulations pursuant to the Special Economic Measures Act impose
on listed persons a dealings prohibition, which would
effectively freeze any assets they may hold in Canada and render
them inadmissible to Canada under the Immigration and Refugee
Protection Act.
is imposing sanctions against the following individuals who
committed gross and systematic violations of human rights during
Sri Lanka’s civil conflict, which occurred from 1983 to 2009.
expresses displeasure over MR, GR sanctions by Canada
has expressed strong displeasure to the Canadian government
regarding the imposition of sanctions on four Sri Lankans,
including former Presidents Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya
Rajapaksa. The Canadian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka was
called to the Foreign Affairs Ministry to inquire about the
incident and officially inform Sri Lanka’s position. Foreign
Minister Ali Sabry PC had expressed government’s displeasure
about the incident.
Foreign Minister pointed out that the bilateral friendship will
be severely affected by imposing sanctions on four Sri Lankans
in such a unique situation and stated that this is an attempt by
Canada to appease the extremist Tamil Diaspora. The Canadian
government has announced yesterday that it has decided to impose
sanctions against four Sri Lankans including the former
presidents of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa Gotabhaya Rajapaksa,
Sri Lanka Army Staff Sergeant Sunil Ratnayake and Lt. Commander
Chandana Prasad Hettiarachchi.
The Special
Measures (Sri Lanka) Regulations impose on listed
persons a prohibition on any transaction (effectively, an asset
freeze) by prohibiting persons in Canada and Canadians outside
Canada from engaging in any activity related to any property of
these listed persons or providing financial or related services
to them. The individuals listed in the Schedule to the
Regulations are also rendered inadmissible to Canada under
the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
specific prohibitions are set out in the Regulations.
names of the individuals added to the Schedule of the
Regulations are the following:
continued calls from Canada and the international community to
address accountability, the Government of Sri Lanka has taken
limited meaningful and concrete action to uphold its human
rights obligations. This jeopardizes progress on justice for
affected populations, and prospects for peace and
and survivors of gross human rights violations deserve justice.
That is why Canada continues to call on Sri Lanka to fulfill its
commitment to establish a meaningful accountability process.
sanctions send a clear message that Canada will not accept
continued impunity for those that have committed gross human
rights violations in Sri Lanka.
Canada will
continue to collaborate alongside international partners,
including through relevant multilateral bodies to advocate for
human rights and accountability in Sri Lanka, which is an
important step toward securing a safe, peaceful and inclusive
future for the country. Canada, as part of the Core Group on Sri
Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights Council will continue
to advocate for the full implementation of resolution 51/1 and
support efforts towards attaining accountability and peace on
the island.
supports efforts towards urgent political and economic reforms
to alleviate the hardships faced by the people in Sri Lanka. We
strongly encourage the Sri Lankan government to promote
democracy, human rights and maintain the rule of law as it works
to address this crisis.
In addition to today’s announcement, and in response to the humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka, Canada announced $3 million to the appeals launched by the United Nations and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to address immediate needs, including food security and livelihoods, shelter and non-food items, as well as nutritional assistance and primary healthcare services for vulnerable children and women. Canada has also readjusted ongoing international assistance projects to address pressing needs, providing support, for instance, to the World Health Organization for the procurement of essential medical equipment and supplies. (Government of Canada -Global Affairs)
Paraphrasing Oreskaband:
I believe in my life, I believe in my song, I believe in Christine Perera: I believe in my voice, [Christine Perera believed in my voice 1970-1980 and she said "forever" into my adulthood]
I believe in my eyes I believe in myself, I just have to keep on going I believe in my life, I believe in my song I believe in my voice, I believe in my eyes I believe in myself, The key is in my heart, now I see
Vichy’s decline was paralleled by the rise of the anti-German underground. Within weeks of the 1940 collapse, tiny groups of men and women had begun to resist. Some collected military intelligence for transmission to London; some organized escape routes for British airmen who had been shot down; some circulated anti-German leaflets; some engaged in sabotage of railways and German installations. The Resistance movement received an important infusion of strength in June 1941, when Hitler’s attack on the Soviet Union brought the French Communist Party into active participation in the anti-German struggle. It was further reinforced by the German decision to conscript French workers; many draftees took to the hills and joined guerrilla bands that took the name Maquis (meaning “underbrush”). A kind of national unity was finally achieved in May 1943, when de Gaulle’s personal representative, Jean Moulin, succeeded in establishing a National Resistance Council (Conseil National de la Résistance) that joined all the major movements into one federation.
De Gaulle’s original call for resistance had attracted only a handful of French citizens who happened to be in Britain at the time. But, as the British continued to fight, a trickle of volunteers from France began to find its way to his headquarters in London. De Gaulle promptly established an organization called Free France and in 1941 capped it with a body called the French National Committee (Comité National Français), for which he boldly claimed the status of a legal government-in-exile. During the next three years, first in London and then (after 1943) in Algiers, he insisted on his right to speak for France and on France’s right to be heard as a Great Power in the councils of the Allies. His demands and his manner irked Churchill and Roosevelt and caused persistent tension. The U.S. government unsuccessfully attempted in 1942 to sidetrack him in favour of General Henri Giraud, who immediately after the Allied landings in North Africa was brought out of France to command the French armies in liberated North Africa and to assume a political role as well. De Gaulle arrived in Algiers in May 1943 and joined Giraud as copresident of a new French Committee of National Liberation. By the end of the year he had outmaneuvered Giraud and emerged as the unchallenged spokesman for French resisters everywhere. Even the Communists in 1943 grudgingly accepted his leadership.
When the Allied forces landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944, the armed underground units had grown large enough to play a prominent role in the battles that followed—harassing the German forces and sabotaging railways and bridges. As the Germans gradually fell back, local Resistance organizations took over town halls and prefectures from Vichy incumbents. De Gaulle’s provisional government immediately sent its own delegates into the liberated areas to ensure an orderly transfer of power. On August 19 Resistance forces in Paris launched an insurrection against the German occupiers, and on August 25 Free French units under General Jacques Leclerc entered the city. De Gaulle himself arrived later that day, and on the next he headed a triumphal parade down the Champs-Élysées. Most high-ranking Vichy officials (including Pétain and Laval) had moved eastward with the Germans; at the castle of Sigmaringen in Germany they adopted the posture of a government-in-exile.
De Gaulle’s provisional government, formally recognized in October 1944 by the U.S., British, and Soviet governments, enjoyed unchallenged authority in liberated France. But the country had been stripped of raw materials and food by the Germans; the transportation system was severely disrupted by air bombardment and sabotage; 2.5 million French prisoners of war, conscripted workers, and deportees were still in German camps; and the task of liquidating the Vichy heritage threatened to cause grave domestic stress. An informal and spontaneous purge of Vichy officials or supporters had already begun in the summer of 1944; summary executions by Resistance bands appear to have exceeded 10,000.A more systematic retribution followed. Special courts set up to try citizens accused of collaboration heard 125,000 cases during the next two years. Some 50,000 offenders were punished by “national degradation” (loss of civic rights for a period of years), almost 40,000 received prison terms, and between 700 and 800 were executed.
Shortly after his return to Paris, de Gaulle announced that the citizens of France would determine their future governmental system as soon as the absent prisoners and deportees could be repatriated. That process was largely completed by midsummer 1945, soon after Germany’s defeat, whereupon de Gaulle scheduled a combined referendum and election for October. Women, for the first time in French history, were granted suffrage. By an overwhelming majority (96 percent of the votes cast), the nation rejected a return to the prewar regime. The mood of the liberation era was marked by a thirst for renovation and for change.
New men of the Resistance movement dominated the constituent assembly, and the centre of gravity was heavily to the left: three-fourths of the deputies were Communists, Socialists, or Christian Democrats who had adhered to the new party of the Catholic left—the Popular Republican Movement (Mouvement Républicain Populaire).
It soon became clear that the apparent unity forged in the Resistance was superficial and that the new political elite was sharply divided over the form of the new republic. Some urged the need for greater stability through a strong executive; others, notably the Communists, favoured concentrating power in a one-house legislature subject to grassroots control by the voters. De Gaulle remained aloof from this controversy, though it was obvious that he favoured a strong presidency. In January 1946 de Gaulle suddenly resigned his post as provisional president, apparently expecting that a wave of public support would bring him back to power with a mandate to impose his constitutional ideas. Instead, the public was stunned and confused, and it failed to react. The assembly promptly chose the Socialist Félix Gouin to replace him, and the embittered de Gaulle retired to his country estate.
The assembly’s constitutional draft, submitted to a popular referendum in May 1946, was rejected by the voters. A new assembly was quickly elected to prepare a revised draft, which in October was narrowly approved by the voters. De Gaulle actively intervened in the campaign for the second referendum, denouncing the proposed system as unworkable and urging the need for a stronger executive. His ideas anticipated the system that later was to be embodied in the constitution of the Fifth Republic (1958).
The structure of the Fourth Republic seemed remarkably like that of the Third; in actual operation it seemed even more familiar. The lower house of parliament (now renamed the National Assembly) was once more the locus of power; shaky coalition cabinets again succeeded one another at brief intervals, and the lack of a clear-cut majority in the country or in parliament hampered vigorous or coherent action. Many politicians from the prewar period turned up once again in cabinet posts.
Yet outside the realm of political structure and parliamentary gamesmanship there were real and fundamental changes. The long sequence of crises that had shaken the nation since 1930 had left a deep imprint on French attitudes. There was much less public complacency; both the routines and the values of the French people had been shaken up and subjected to challenge by a generation of upheaval. Many of the new men who had emerged from the Resistance movement into political life, business posts, or the state bureaucracy retained a strong urge toward renovation as well as to a reassertion of France’s lost greatness.
This altered mood helps to explain the economic growth that marked the later years of the Fourth Republic. The painful convalescence from the ravages of war was speeded by massive aid from the United States and by the gentle persuasion (and ample credits) of Jean Monnet’s Planning Commissariat (Commissariat Général du Plan), adopted in 1947. A burst of industrial expansion in most branches of the economy began in the mid-1950s, unmatched in any decade of French history since the 1850s. The rate of growth for a time rivaled that of Germany and exceeded that of most other European countries. The only serious flaw in the boom was a nagging inflationary trend that weakened the franc. Short-lived coalition cabinets were incapable of taking the painful measures needed to check this trend.
A less fortunate aspect of the national urge to reassert France’s stature in the world was the Fourth Republic’s costly effort to hold the colonial empire. France’s colonies had provided de Gaulle with his first important base of support as leader of Free France, and, as the war continued, they had furnished valuable resources and manpower. The colonial peoples, therefore, now felt justified in demanding a new relationship with France, and French leaders recognized the need to grant concessions. But most of these leaders, including de Gaulle, were not prepared to permit any infringement on French sovereignty, either immediately or in the foreseeable future. For a nation seeking to rebuild its self-respect, the prospect of a loss of empire seemed unacceptable; most of the French, moreover, were convinced that the native peoples overseas lacked the necessary training for self-government and that a relaxation of the French grip would merely open the way to domination by another imperial power. The constitution of 1946 therefore introduced only mild reforms: the empire was renamed the French Union, within which the colonial peoples would enjoy a narrowly limited local autonomy plus some representation in the French parliament.
This cautious reform came too late to win acceptance in many parts of the empire. The situation was most serious in Southeast Asia, where the Japanese had displaced the French during World War II. Japan’s defeat in 1945 enabled the French to regain control of southern Indochina, but the northern half was promptly taken over by a Vietnamese nationalist movement headed by the communist Ho Chi Minh. French efforts to negotiate a compromise with Ho’s regime broke down in December 1946, and a bloody eight-year war followed. In the end, the financial and psychological strain proved too great for France to bear, and, after the capture of the French stronghold of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 by the Vietnamese, the French sought a face-saving solution. A conference of interested powers at Geneva that year ended the war by establishing what was intended as a temporary division of Vietnam into independent northern and southern states. Two other segments of Indochina, the former protectorates of Laos and Cambodia, had earlier been converted by the French into independent monarchies to preserve some French influence there.
On the night of October 31, 1954, barely six months after the fighting in Indochina ended, Algerian nationalists raised the standard of rebellion. By 1958 more than a half million French soldiers had been sent to Algeria—the largest overseas expeditionary force in French history. France’s determination to hold Algeria stemmed from a number of factors: the presence of almost a million European settlers, the legal fiction that Algeria was an integral part of France, and the recent discovery of oil in the southern desert. Fears that the rebellion might spread to Tunisia and Morocco led the French to make drastic concessions there; in 1956 both of these protectorates became sovereign states.
The long and brutal struggle in Algeria gravely affected the political life of the Fourth Republic and ended by destroying it. A vocal minority in France openly favoured a negotiated settlement, though no political leader dared take so unpopular a position. Right-wing activists, outraged at what they saw as the spread of defeatism, turned to conspiracy; both in Paris and in Algiers, extremist groups began to plot the replacement of the Fourth Republic by a tougher regime, headed by army officers or perhaps by General de Gaulle.
These plans had not yet matured when a cabinet crisis in April–May 1958 gave the conspirators a chance to strike. On May 13, when a new cabinet was scheduled to present its program to the National Assembly, activist groups in Algiers went into the streets in an effort to influence parliament’s vote. By nightfall they were in control of the city and set up an emergency government with local army support. De Gaulle on May 15 announced that he was prepared to take power if called to do so by his fellow citizens. Two weeks of negotiations followed, interspersed with threats of violent action by the Algiers rebels. Most of the Fourth Republic’s political leaders reluctantly concluded that de Gaulle’s return was the only alternative to an army coup that might lead to civil war. On June 1, therefore, the National Assembly voted de Gaulle full powers for six months, thus putting a de facto end to the Fourth Republic.
..AND _YET_ _AND_ _YET_ AND _YET_ as of 01/03/2023 (twenty twenty-three)- (JANUARY THIRD IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY TWENTY-THREE) USA-BASED-The Land-Of-The-_FREE_-Based-The Home of The-_BRAVE_-Based INTERNATIONALLY-REFERENCED Search GIANT Google _CONTINUE_$_-[CONTINUES]-as of 01/03/2023 (twenty twenty-three)-(JANUARY THIRD IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY TWENTY-THREE)-AT THE INCALCULABLE/pricele_$$_-[PRICELESS]- co_$_t-[COST] OF _LITERAL_-[NOT METAPHORICAL]-_LIFE_ _LIBERTY_ _AND_ PROSPERITY-TO HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS: OF _LIVING_ _HUMANS_: -_INTERNATIONALLY_ "label" Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam-[LTTE]-_THE_ _ULTIMATE_ _GOOD_ _GUYS_: LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM-[LTTE]-led by Velupillai Prabakharan-from 1976-May 18th, 2009 (two thousand+nine)-"The" _ONLY_ _EVER_ _MEANINGFUL_ _RESISTANCE_-_EVER_-IN-_ALL_-_RECORDED_-_HISTORY_TO-_LITERAL_-_REAL_-_LIVED-GENERATION $,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$-[GENERATIONS]: OF-_REAL_-LIVING-_GENERATION_$_-[GENERATIONS]-Of-_Ceylon-_$_RI LANKA-[SRI LANKA]-_$_OUTH A_$_IA'_$_-[SOUTH ASIA'S]-Wickreme_$_inghe-[Wickremesinghe]: Rajapak_$_a-[RAJAPAKSA]-_ENTIRE__FAMILY_-_GENERATION_$_-[GENERATIONS]: -Of-RANIL-Adolph-Wickreme_$_inghe-[Wickremesinghe] International Monetary-Fund-_FULLY_-FUNDED_: ON THE _EXACT_ _preci_$_e_-[PRECISE] EIGHTY-THIRD-[83rd] ANNIVER_$A_ARY-[ANNIVERSARY] _$_eptember 1_$_,-[FIRST], 2022: OF ADOLPH HITLER'$,$$$,$$$'-[HITLER'S] MARCH INTO POLAND: 6 MILLION JEWS: WERE SLAUGHTERED 55 MILLION: WORLD-WIDE AS "THE" CON_$_EQUENCE-[CONSEQUENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!] _COUNTLE_$$_-[COUNLESS]/UNCOUNTED: EELAM TAMILS _$_LAUGHTERED_-[SLAUGHTERED] in_$_ide-[INSIDE]-_EMINENTLY_-Ceylon-$_RI LANKA-[SRI LANKA]-_$_OUTH A_$_IA-[SOUTH ASIA]: in_$_ide-[INSIDE]-OPENLY-CEYLON'_$_-(Ceylon's)]: _OPENLY_-Ceylone_$_e-[CEYLONESE]-_$_inhale_$_e-[SINHALESE]-HITLER $,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$-[RANIL-Adolph-Wickreme_$_inghe_$_-[WICKREMESINGHES]-RAJAPAK_$A_A_$_-[RAJAPAKSAS]-RULED-: CEYLON-_$_RI LANKA-[SRI LANKA]-_$_OUTH A_$_IA-[SOUTH ASIA]-_AND_-_EVER_-_$_INCE-1972-[NINETEEN SEVENTY-TWO-The Year Current US President Biden got elected to The US Senate For The First Time]: BY-_OPENLY_-_INTERNATIONALLY_-Hitler $,$$$,$$$,$$$.$$-[HITLERS]: Koenigsberg and Beyond … Towards the Tamil Tigers